Fly Together Fitness highlights All Pole is Valid with this series of instructor profiles — each has their unique style and journey, but are united in their passion for pole and love for the community that brings them together. We hope their stories resonate with yours!
Hi Abby! Tell me about yourself.
I’ve been in public education as a teacher, administrator, and writer for over 20 years. I’ve recently become an empty-nester with my son going off to college, but channel my maternal instincts into nurturing two rescue dogs. I have a penchant for puns, onesies, and 80s music.
Everyone in the pole community has a unique journey. What's yours?
I took it up late in life, when I turned 50, without any dance or gymnastics experience. It was intimidating, mysterious, and difficult, but I was instantly addicted. For me, the journey is never about arriving at a particular destination, but about enjoying wherever you are.
What’s something you wished you had known when you started pole dancing?
I wish I had known more about its diversity — the different styles, approaches, and people who pole. I remember I saw a video of Greta Pontarelli, a 67 year-old pole dancer and I realized I had a really narrow idea of what a pole dancer looked like, how they moved, or what they were capable of.

How has pole impacted other aspects of your life?
I love the challenge and feeling of accomplishment pole gives me, but I’m still surprised (& grateful) at how much it connects to my mental and emotional well-being. Pole helped me appreciate my vulnerabilities as strengths, my failures as lessons, and my “not for me’s” as “not yet’s.”
What does Fly Together Fitness mean to you? Where do you see Fly Together Fitness going?
“Together” is the key word for me. Together doesn’t mean we’re all the same — in fact, I love that I probably wouldn’t have met or gotten to know everyone here if it weren’t for pole. I see us going exactly where we set out to be — a place where pole brings people together with passion, integrity, and grace.
Favorite move you like to teach?
Chopper to outside leg hang was my first successful invert and I always “hooray” hardest when someone gets it.