In 2020, we went from counting the number of students in our growing community to counting how many COVID cases in our communities; from holding meetings to holding 6 ft of distance; from setting up a small business to surviving as one. 2020 was a year like no other, so this year, instead of metrics, we’re going to reflect on the memories that defined this community. Because through it all, this community is what kept us sane, focused, and supported.
Open House
2020 started strong with our Open House on January 5th, where we welcomed over 50 members of our community. It was such a joy to show off the studio to friends, family, and neighbors! We’re so grateful that we were able to fill our space with laughter and the excitement of learning pole for the first time. (This is definitely on the do-again-when-safe list!)
From pole newbies to pole enthusiasts
We founded Fly Together Fitness to bring the joy of pole dancing to more people, and it was so fulfilling to accomplish that goal (even if it looked a little different than planned!). Through all the challenges of this year, we absolutely loved introducing beginners to pole and welcoming them into our community. There is nothing like seeing the spark of joy when a student nails their first pole move and it’s even more incredible to watch students grow from that first class and achieve their goals. 2020 had us needing inspiration - and we always found it watching our students find and evolve through their passion for pole.
Virtual gatherings to stay connected
During the height of the spring shelter in place orders, gathering for weekly happy hours kept us sane and connected. We so enjoyed sharing our baking projects, pets, and collective groans about everything that was happening. Thank you for joining us for these, it was so wonderful to see everyone and have time together while everything was changing around us.
Pole Pivots
We’re proud of how we responded to the year’s chaos to best serve our community. We shifted to a remote world with Rent-A-Pole, making poling from home more accessible, to virtual with online classes, an 8-week performance course, and on-demand tutorials (coming soon…). Although in-person group classes will always be our bae, we’re excited to see how the pole community transforms in the coming years, and to keep innovating alongside it to serve our corner of this community.
Power the Polls
As polers and citizens, we grieved the upwelling of fear, division, hatred, and blatant racism this administration enabled and often perpetrated. We felt strongly that, especially in an unusual election year, we should do our part to help our community get to the polls. We published a blog on how to vote in the 2020 election, made some sweet merch to inspire our community, and were able to donate a portion of the sales from that merch (plus an owner match) to an amazing local nonprofit - MassVOTE - which works to increase voter representation in MA, particularly in underserved communities. In 2021, we’ll be looking for more ways to be involved and support the issues that matter to our community.
Virtual Showcase & PSO Performances
Last, but certainly not least, we felt ALL THE FEELS over the student performances in our first ever (virtual) showcase! (Just to touch on a few: excited, inspired, joyful, amazed, hot & bothered, proud.) Thanks to our participants for sharing your artistry , and to our supportive audience for cheering alongside us! We absolutely LOVED hosting this event, and look forward to building more opportunities for our students to share their love of pole in 2021. Finally, we are also overwhelmingly proud of our students that achieved their goals by competing in a pole competition this year - every. single. one. of them placed in one of their routines and we couldn’t be more proud.
Thank you for joining us, supporting us, and for being you. In 2021 we’re looking forward to safer and saner times, while knowing that there’s still a long road ahead. We’ll be holding our community close while we get there, and look forward to being with you on the other side. Until then, we hope to see you online - either in online classes or in our Facebook Family community - or in-person for a socially distanced private lesson.
Sending you love, peace, and good grip as we turn the page into 2021,
Your Fly Together Fitness Family